Inflatable Raft & Equipment

Package Includes:
(1) 14 foot Inflatable Rubber Raft
(1) Hand Pump
(1) Boat Carrying/ Storage Case
(1) Repair Kit
(4) Life Jackets
(8) Paddles

Minimum Bid: $500.00

This raft features heavy duty fabric, four separate air chambers, lots of lifting handles & is self bailing.  The raft received a small tear but has been repaired and is workable.  This raft is identical to the one raffled off at the 2007 Steelheader's Ball and won by George Lucas. 

The SVCC is accepting bids on this raft & equipment package.  Bids must be submitted in writing by September 15th.  Bids must include name, address, phone # and amount.

 Mail bids to:
 Salmon Valley Chamber of Commerce
200 Main Street, Suite 1
Salmon, ID 83467


Submitted by email

If you have any questions, please call the SVCC Office at (208) 756-2100 or email


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