The Salmon Valley Chamber of Commerce luncheon is held on the second Wednesday of every month at 12noon at various local member eateries. We usually feature a guest speaker or two that we think will be of interest to our membership. Luncheons last one hour and typically cost $8/member, $10/non-member.
$25/week non members
Past Luncheons
Feb. 8, 2012- Salmon Valley Innovation and Business Center-Speakers: Katie Hoffman- Speed interviews.
December 14th- Sacajewea Center- Open House Meet and Greet City Council
November 9th- Salmon Valley and Innovation Center- Formation Capital, Oddfellow's Bakery
October 12, 2011- The Elk's Lodge, Speaker Idaho Power
June 8, 2011- The Kitchen, 710 Union Ave.Speaker: Mary Cerise, Salmon Arts Council
May 11, 2011- Middle School Gymnasium- Joey Foote Bond for new school
April 13, 2011- SMMC Jeff Hill
March 9, 2011- Salmon Valley Business and Innovation Center
February 9, 2011 Innovation Center- Formation Capital
January 12, 2011 The Ranch- Cattleman of the Year Celebration
December 8, 2010 Last Chance Pizza- State of the Chamber
November 10, 2010 Dave's Pizza
October 13, 2010 Innovation Center- Tammy Stringham, Economic Director
Upcoming Luncheons
March 14, 2012- Last Chance Pizza- Speaker on the Local Food Group
The Salmon Valley Chamber of Commerce Board Meetings are held on the first Monday of every month at the Chamber office (Salmon City Center - 200 Main Street). Meetings begin at 6:00 pm.
Salmon Idaho Chamber of Commerce
toll free 800.727.2540 | local 208.756.2100
© Salmon Valley Chamber of Commerce. All Rights Reserved
SVCC Bylaws
As a 501(c)6 non-profit membership organization, we adhere to a set of governing bylaws. You can read them in detail here.