Assembly of God Church: 510 Bulwer, Salmon, ID 83467 | 208-756-3393
Calvary Chapel Salmon: 200 Main St, Salmon, ID 83467 | 208-756-4004
Church of Christ: 700 Bryan Ave, Salmon, ID 83467 | 208-756-8543
Churchof Latter Day Saints: 400 S. Daisy, Salmon, ID 83467 | 208-756-3514
Community Bible Church: 209 11 th, Salmon, ID 83467 | 208-756-2650
Episcopal Church of the Redeemer: 204 Court House Dr., Salmon, ID 83467 | 208-756-3720
Faith Bible Chapel: 410 Fulton, Salmon, ID 83467 | 208-756-4997
First Presbyterian Church: 511 Lena, Salmon, ID 83467 | 208-756-3918
Kingdom Hall of Jehovah�s Witnesses: Hwy 93 N, Salmon, ID 83467 | 208-756-3937
Salmon Valley Baptist Church: Cemetery Ln, Salmon, ID 83467 | 208-756-3324
Seventh Day Adventist Church: 1510 Main St., Salmon, ID 83467 | 208-756-6801
Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church: 178 Hwy 28, Salmon, ID 83467 | 208-756-4429
St. Charles Catholic Church: 505 Hope Ave., Salmon, ID 83467 | 208-756-2432
The Lighthouse: 710 Shoup, Salmon, ID 83467 | 208-756-6015
United Methodist Church: 201 Lombard St. , Salmon, ID 83467 | 208-756-3490
Community Organizations
American Legion Hall | 208-756-2992
American Legion Post 67 | 208-756-6680
American Red Cross | 208-756-6849
Anna Rebecca Lodge #4 | 208-756-3571
Back Country Horsemen | 208-756-3912
Beta Sigma Phi | 208-756-3103
Board of Realtors | 208-756-2437
Boy Scouts of America | 208-522-5155
Carmen Grange | 208-756-3056
Challis Arts Council | 208-879-4311
Eastern Idaho Community Action Partnership: 31 Hwy 93 N. Ste. A, Salmon, ID 83467 208-756-3999
Salmon Valley Chamber of Commerce | 208-756-2100
Salmon Valley Stewardship | 208-756-1686
Challis Chamber of Commerce | 208-879-4311
Child Development Center | 208-756-2016
Disabled American Veterans | 208-756-3396
Eagle�s Lodge | 208-756-2698
Eitc Economic Development | 208-756-3214
Elk�s Lodge | 208-756-2192
Lemhi County Humane Society | 208-756-4100
EMT�s | 208-756-4834
Formation Capital Corporation | 208-756-2573
Little Savage Football Association | 208-756-3285
4-H | 208-756-4239
Gem Community | 208-756-6999
Golf Association | 208-756-6220
Hospice of Salmon Valley | 208-756-6122
Humane Society | 208-756-4100
Idaho Cattle & Horse growers | 208-756-3383
Idaho Outfitters and Guides | 208-756-6215
ISSU | 208-756-4002
Kiwanis Club | 208-756-1333
LCLCBS/National Trail Chapter | 208-756-6062
Lemhi County Fair Board | 208-940-0683
Lemhi County Historical Museum | 208-756-3342
Lemhi County Humane Society | 208-756-4100
Lemhi Historical Society | 208-756-4334
Lemhi�s Promise/After School Program | 208-756-3008
Lemhi Baseball Assoc . | 208-756-3415
Masonic Lodge | 208-756-3551
Odd Fellows Lodge | 208-756-3734
Parent Teacher Organization | 208-756-3734
Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation | 208-756-2574
Sacajawea Motocross Park | 208-756-2325
Salmon Arts Council | 208-756-2987
Salmon Hockey Association | 208-756-8336
Salmon Public Library | 208-756-2311
Salmon River Baseball Organization | 208-756-3285
Salmon Rotary Club | 208-756-2125
Salmon Search & Rescue | 208-756-2713
Salmon Select Horsesale | 208-756-2125
Salmon Senior Citizens | 208-756-3556
Salmon Valley Racing Association | 208-756-3817
Salmon Volunteer Fire Department | 208-756-3025
Snowmobile Club | 208-756-2264
Softball Association | 208-756-6459
Spokes & Chrome | 208-756-2264
Steele Memorial Foundation | 208-756-3535
Urban Renewal Agency | 208-756-3955
Veterans of Foreign War | 208-865-3615
White Water Therapeutic & Recreational Riding Association | 208-756-2014
Precious Cargo 103 Van Dreff Salmon, ID 83467 208-756-3819 | Email
At Precious Cargo Early Learning Center we believe that providing an environment that is age and developmentally appropriate children will establish a healthy self image. We have a child-centered environment where children make choices and engage in hands on activities. Precious Cargo has been in business for 12 years offering quality childcare and preschool. Owner, Shanda Fitte, has a degree in Early Childhood Development and is a certified trainer for the Idaho Stars Professional Development Registry which promotes ongoing training for childcare providers across the state.
EISSA Head Start: 31 Hwy 93 N., Suite A, Salmon, ID 83467 | 208-756-3999
Kung Fu San Soo: 610 Main Street, Salmon, ID 83467 | 208-940-1740
Rocky Mountain Life Ranch: P.O. Box 253, Salmon, ID 83467 | 208-756-1422
Salmon Outdoor School: 234 Haynes Creek Rd., Tendoy, ID 83467 | 208-756-8240
Salmon River Industries: Airport Plaza, Salmon, ID 83467 | 208-756-4608
Salmon School District: 907 Sharkey, Salmon, ID 83467 | 208-756-4271
Seventh Day Adventist School: 400 Fairmont St., Salmon, ID 83467 | 208-756-4439
Salmon Public Library: 204 Main, Salmon, ID 83467 | 208-756-2311
City of Salmon: 200 Main St., Salmon, ID 83467 | 208-756-3214
District 7 Home Health Department | 208-756-2123
Lemhi County Sheriff | 911
Lemhi Country Commissioners: | 208-756-6915
Lemhi County Extension Agent: | 208-756-2824
Idaho Div. Vocational Rehabilitation: 1301 Main St. Ste. 3-A, Salmon, ID 83467 | 208-756-2114
Idaho Dept. of Fish & Game: 99 Hwy 93 N., Salmon, ID 83467 | 208-756-2271
Idaho Department of Labor: 1301 Main St., Ste. 1, Salmon, ID 83467 | 208-756-2234
Salmon Bureau Land Management Field Office: 50 Hwy 93 South, Salmon, ID 83467 | 208-756-5400
Salmon City Council: | 208-756-3214
Salmon Public Library: 204 Main St., Salmon, ID 83467 | 208-756-2311
Salmon/Challis National Forest: 50 Hwy 93 S. | Salmon, ID 83467 | 208-756-5100
State of Idaho Social Services: | 208-756-3146
Non-Profit Organizations
Mahoney Family Safety Center 901 Main St. Salmon, ID 208-756-3146
Lemhi County Crisis Intervention, Mahoney Family Safety Center is a non-profit organization that provides assistance and hope to victims of domestic violence, rape, sexual assault, and dating violence. We extend a confidential helping hand to families in many ways. We offer emergency shelter for individuals in imminent danger, support groups, counseling, education, victim & court advocacy, referrals to community, legal and educational resources and a 24hr local advocacy and crisis line: 208-940-0600.
Salmon Valley Stewardship
513 Main St. Salmon, ID 83467 208-756-1686 | Email
Salmon Valley Stewardship is a local nonprofit organization dedicated to providing information and assistance to the communities of Lemhi County. The group is comprised of local government, federal agencies, and local organizations and individuals interested in managing change and growth in order to better promote long term economic opportunity and the sustainable use of natural resources. For more information please contact: Adrienne Blauser.
Eastern Idaho Community Action Partnership: 31 Hwy 93 N. Ste. A, Salmon, ID 83467 208-756-3999
East Idaho Credit Union: 777 Shoup Street, Salmon, ID 83467 | 208-756-3329
Hospice of Salmon Valley: 506 Van Dreff, Salmon, ID 83467 | 208-756-6122
Lemhi Builders: PO Box 3, Lemhi, ID 83465 | 208-768-2769
Lemhi Valley Social Services: 818 Main St. Ste. F, Salmon, ID 83467 | 208-756-2927
Partners for Prosperity: 625 W. Pacific, Suite 1, Blackfoot, ID 83221 | 208-785-0059
Salmon River Building Association Inc.: 208-756-4523 | 208-756-6020
Salmon River Industries: Airport Plaza, Salmon, ID 83467 | 208-756-4608
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